January 13, 2022

Joined: Nov 18, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V42

Great course content, practice quizzes, and support


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I started with a score of 680(Q49V34) in my official practice test in September. I had planned to prepare for two months. Since I prefer learning through a structured course, I searched online and came across e-gmat. I liked the structure and content and signed up for it. What I enjoyed the most about e-gmat was Payal's video lectures. I really appreciate the time and dedication she and the team have put into providing such excellent explanations. The concepts are very well explained, and I felt great re-learning some of them. It didn't translate to an increase in my quant score, but I thoroughly enjoyed learning things like probability which I was previously nervous about. The tabular approach for distance and rate related problems helped me become more confident tackling these problems. In Verbal section, Pre-thinking for CR questions was very helpful. Their approach for solving bold-faced questions was super useful and I started to enjoy solving them.

The biggest mistake I made during my preparation was trying to complete reviewing all the concept videos before taking up mock tests. If I were to do it again, I would have simultaneously taken mock tests every weekend while going through the concept videos and also not try to complete all the videos in a short sitting.

Because I hadn't practiced enough, I was super nervous for my first attempt. I hadn't developed my time management skills either. I ended up exceeding my break time between Quant and Verbal by 4 minutes. That along with my lack of sleep and anxiety contributed to a super low score, much lower than my first practice test. I had to cancel immediately.

I planned to prepare better for my next attempt. I realized that it wasn't that I wasn't good enough to get a good score. It was that my approach was not right. I reached out to the e-gmat support team and decided to follow their advice promptly. Atreya first responded and suggested taking the practice quizzes and completing the cementing stage. When I reached out again a couple of days before my test, DJ responded with helpful suggestions. The guidance provided by the e-gmat team was also very helpful in taking the required quizzes which prepped me better and helped reduce my test-day anxiety. I was able to get a score of 740 (Q49V42) in December.

One thing which I felt could be improved in the e-gmat course was providing an overview of what the Sentence Correction is testing us on and what the different kinds of errors are. I could have missed this as I went through all the videos and concepts of this section without really understanding the application of them. I really struggled with SC and it was only after going through Gmat Ninja's YouTube videos that I was able to grasp the bigger picture better. After that, the Scholaranuim quizzes certainly helped cement the concepts.

Overall e-gmat has great content, practice quizzes, and support available. I would definitely recommend it. For others who are reading this, I would say please plan to leverage all their resources, reach out to their support team early, take as many practice quizzes regularly even if you don't feel ready, and continually iterate on your approach, see what is working and what isn't.

This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 20, 2022

Dear SVP1,

Congratulations on scoring a 740, it’s a special achievement and I could not be happier for you 😊
When a student says that I started loving Probability & Word Problems is when I KNOW we did a good job with it. These are two most feared topics for anyone with “Math Phobia”

Secrets of Quant 2.0 –

I think your review is so honest and I completely take your feedback on the SC Course. Having said that, I completely mirror the advice you have stated. Constant iteration and reaching out to the support team is the one thing that can help you improve by leaps and bounds.

Student Conundrum -

I wish you all the best for your future and I know you’d get into a top business school!


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