March 26, 2021

Joined: Apr 02, 2016

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Self-reported Score:
720 Q40 V49

e-GMAT - Highly recommended for improving your verbal.


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

When I attempted GMAT 3 years back, I scored 660, with a decent quant score but a dismal verbal score. I started preparing for GMAT again around October 2020, with an aim to score 700+. I initially relied on questions from GMATClub and OG, and after a few months of practice gave my first official mock test, scoring a 660. Again, I noticed a stark contrast between my quant and verbal scores. Realizing that I needed serious help with verbal, I decided to opt for e-GMAT.

The video lectures offered by e-GMAT for verbal are unparalleled in terms of quality. The lectures start with explaining the basics, and then show how questions are solved by breaking down each option and eliminating options one by one. I learned a lot of strategies to solve various types of questions, such as placement of verb-ing words for SC questions, negation strategy for CR questions, summarizing RC paragraphs, etc.

e-GMAT Scholaranium provides plenty of questions. You get to apply the strategies learned from video lectures on questions of varying difficulties (Easy, Medium, Hard). Scholaranium comes with a dashboard to help you understand the areas/types of questions that need improvement. Apart from the video lectures and Scholaranium, e-GMAT also provides a myriad of helpful articles on their website, and I often found myself going back to these articles again and again to refresh my memory.

In conclusion, e-GMAT helped me overcome the verbal score plateau, and I would recommend their verbal course to everyone aiming to score 700+ on GMAT.

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