July 24, 2019

Joined: Feb 10, 2018

Posts: 30

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
550 Q46 V20

Key strategies help you sail through GMAT


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

Learning the key strategies and internalising them is the key strategy to achieve the target GMAT score!!
I am a Chartered Accountant from India, was always good at quant and had a good command over English language , my only catch area was RC.

I started my preparation with a renowned institute, taking classes, solving puzzles and practising questions but things didn't help and neither my prep score nor the speed improvised. I did practise a lot but, was getting trapped into the traps created by the test maker. I was always able to eliminate the 3 of 5 choices but 90% times was marking the incorrect one as the answer. Then searching online I came across a few reviews about e-gmat online. I wanted to give it a try and did enroll for the course and that is how things started changing.

I realised there were a lot more areas in the SC and CR that required improvement to crack the desired score! It was hence I started learning the key strategies, understanding the traps introduced in SC and CR problems by the test makers. Key strategies like getting immersed into the passage, various SV rule for SC and the rethinking for CR did help me improve the accuracy drastically and help me reduce the time spent per question. As mentioned earlier, when I started RC was the biggest challenge, but things have seriously changed with the help of the key strategies. I personally have seen the improvement with the help of Scholaranium, which is an awesome performance tracker and will help you evaluate the exact areas that you need to work on to improve and am confident about the path that am following.

Last but not the least, I realised "Practise is definitely important, but following the key strategies makes it in the right direction and makes you beat the nail, rather that beating around the bush!!"
My prep scores have improved over time and am soon planning to write the GMAT again! Will surely update my new score!!

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