May 09, 2018

Joined: Sep 28, 2015

Posts: 4

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
610 Q42 V32

My journey with e-GMAT


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I took my first GMAT in 2015 and scored a 610. I was hugely disatisfied with the score but due to other
personal committments, I did not get a chance to re-take the exam.

So towards the end of last year, I thought I will consider taking the GMAT again and started actively looking for resources.
For my first attempt, I relied mainly on the Manhattan series and Official Guides. I felt that these materials were good to
give me an understanding of the topics tested and to practice the format of the exam.
However, after my analysis on my first attempt I realized what I was missing on was the right strategy.
I figured out that my main issue was not having a proper strategy to tackle the exam. I thought the best way to overcome this was to find a good course which will help me teach me sound strategies to approach GMAT in a better way.

One of my friends introduced me to e-GMAT. She had taken the course and improved by 100 points in her GMAT.
Inspired by her massive improvement, I thought I should give e-GMAT a try. I first started by reading reviews about e-GMAT on GMAT Club and Beat The GMAT forums.
I also started attending some of the free webinars conducted by the e-GMAT team. The webinars were great in understanding more about how e-GMAT courses are structured and also to get to know their teaching style.
After attending the GMAT strategy webinar and a couple of other Sentence Correction and Critical Reasoning webinars, I felt that I should purchase the course.
Hence,I enrolled into the Verbal and Quant online courses.
Needless to say, this was one of the best decisions I could have made!
The videos and materials provided by e-GMAT are amazing and very detailed. The sentence correction videos were very structuredand it walks through how to understand the meaning of a sentence, identifying clauses, subject-verb agreements and identifying
the errors in the sentence. The 3 step process for Sentence Correction was very helpful and easy for me to apply on complex Sentence Correction questions. One of the key strategies for Critical Reasoning was Pre-thinking which also greatly helped me in solving Critical Reasoning Problems. For Reading Comprehension, the importance given to get immersed in the passage was a great tip for a person like me who used to dread long passages. I no longer look at long passages as something which tires me out.
Instead, this strategy has helped me approach RC in a more relaxed manner which in turn has improved my overall accuracy.
One of the key things I like about eGMAT is the Pre-Assessment and Post-Assessment quizzes. These help to track my progress in each module and is a good way to test your knowledge in each sub topic.
I took 2 mock tests after finishing the Verbal course and I saw a 4 points improvement in my Verbal score (from 32 to 36).
The improvement can definitely be attributed to the Verbal online course as I used the approach recommended by the course to tackle the questions.
I also think that the e-GMAT Verbal course is the best among all other resources currently available for non-native speakers.
My GMAT is scheduled in a few weeks time and I am currently focusing on the Quant course. It has been great so far and I hope to see a solid score improvement for Quant as well.
For students looking at course options for GMAT, I would strongly urge you to consider e-GMAT as it is definitely worth
your money and time!

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