October 11, 2017

Joined: Aug 11, 2013

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Self-reported Score:
710 Q48 V39

e-gmat : sure shot for success in verbal


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I highly recommend the full set of e-GMAT verbal course.In particular, e-GMAT helped me raise my verbal score significantly thanks to its difficult Verbal sections on its online CAT exams.

After several months of intense self-study using prep materials from other providers, I first took the GMAT in March 2017 and scored a 610. I debated sticking with the score, my quant/verbal split was very skewed (93rd percentile quant/40th percentile verbal), and I felt that with more effort/dedication through a structured prep program I could bring up my verbal score.

I enrolled in a e-GMAT Verbal online course, however when I took a diagnostic test and discussed the results with my friends, they recommended I consider tutoring instead and focus on verbal alone (since my quant score was already high). e-GMAT allowed me to transfer my course credit with relatively little hassle, and I met for ~5 hours of preparation spread over 2 months.

e-GMAT did a great job working through difficult problems with me, helping me develop strategic approaches to test-taking, and analyzing the results of my practice tests to give me personalized feedback and problem sets based on my weaknesses. In particular, e-GMAT helped me understand the importance of time management on the Verbal section, and gave me several useful strategies to improve in this respect.

I retook the GMAT in Aug. 2017 and scored a 710, with an 91st percentile quant/96th percentile verbal split. I think my improvement from a good to great score is a result that speaks for itself in terms of the quality of e-GMAT materials and instruction. Thanks e-GMAT!

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