June 27, 2017

Joined: Sep 21, 2014

Posts: 15

Kudos: 22

Self-reported Score:
700 Q47 V38

Dont give up on your Verbal part


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I had given my GMAT more than a year ago (620- V31, Q45). Actually, mostly because of my low score I was waitlisted in all BS (fall 2017) , to which I applied. Few month ago, I realized that I’m at a point where I should decide «to be or not to be». I mean a decision to follow my MBA goal or to forget about it. Thus, I decided to continue and to give one more shot to the GMAT. The last one.

Firstly, I’d like to introduce myself. I’m 31 years old women, non-native (my native languages are Ukrainian and Russian) and I have 2 years old daughter (without any help from my parents as they live far from my place). Thus as most of non-natives I have big problems with my Verbal part. Verbal for me is a real challenge. To be more precise I had problems in all SC, CR and RC.

I’ve read a huge number of reviews, tried free trial version and decided to take Verbal Online course on E-GMAT. This course consists of 5 parts:
Master Comprehension
Sentence correction,
Critical Reasoning,
Reading Comprehension
Integrating Reasoning
Scholanarium (practice platform)

In addition, you get
GMATclub tests (26 Q and 9 V) and
800score tests

I will tell you a little about each of these parts.
Master Comprehension. The first my desire was to skip this part and to start as I thought «real» preparation, but this part, in my opinion, wont take too long to finish and gives you something fundamental, without which, I think, I wouldn't have a full picture of the exam and wouldn't know how to approach SC, CR and RC questions. Must to do.

Sentence Correction. I really loved the e-gmat approach in covering all this boring grammar in a such interesting and «alluring» way. I adore how e-gmat structured all information. They divided SC course in several topics and you can easily plan you study. For example, SC in two weeks means that you take pre-ability quiz, then just follow all these topics one per day (sometimes ,in case of modifiers, you take two days on a such topic) and after two weeks you take a final ability quiz. In my case I improved my SC from 47% to 89%.

Critical Reasoning. I still struggling with this part as I realized that when I solve problems on a particular topic I’m OK. However, when I have mixed problems sometimes I’m confused in determining the type of question. I found the «Pre-think» strategy very helpful as it not only a time saver but also a correct answer guarantee. This strategy gives you a full understanding of the passage and as a result doesn't allow to trick you when you go through POE process. I’m still working on it, but I already have little progress from 44% to 67%. What I said about SC also applies to CR, RC and IR. All information perfectly structured and you wont have a problem to plan your study and of course to understand the theory. As for me I know that I need more practice.

Reading Comprehension. This part was very helpful and easy to follow. When you practicing it through the e-gmat platform all these passages are appears to be not so boring and difficult. I loved the "to get immersed» strategy that worked for me great. I would literally tell myself at the beginning of each passage that "Oh! this sounds interesting, lets read what happens next!"

Integrating Reasoning. This is a great addition to all these parts.

Scholaranium. I absolutely loved this part of my Verbal online course. I had decided to do at least 3 passages every day, along with 15 SC and 15 CR. I used to create a lot of SC, CR and RC Ability quizzes and while I started with a 47%, 44% and 53% accuracy respectively, by now I have 89%, 67% and 60% accuracy which is a great achievement for me. After each quiz you can review you questions and get perfect explanations. Moreover, there is a forum after each question and if you have still concerns about particular question you can ask an Expert and get an answer in just several hours.

Gmatclub tests are great to practice your Quantative part as well as Verbal.
As to tests, I would say that after reading all reviews about them I decided not to waste my time and purchased Manhattan tests. So, I would recommend to e-gmat to exclude 800score tests and substitute them with more reliable tests OR dispel myths about them.

Finally, in my mock test(Manhattan tests) yesterday I got V 38. This for me great result and I hope to score the same in my real test(in several weeks).

Thank you e-GMAT and thanks to all those who read my review till the very end. I hope I was able to motivate a few of you out there like me, who may have totally given up on Verbal and on the GMAT at all.))

All the best to you all !!

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