May 25, 2017

Joined: Aug 07, 2016

Posts: 20

Kudos: 49

Verified GMAT Classic score:
580 Q48 V21

My GMAT Journey Till Date


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

My GMAT journey started back in October’15. At that time, my preparation resource was Official Guides, Verbal and Quantitative review, some books and several materials available online for GMAT preparation. Soon after I started my preparation, I felt that my strength is Quant. After couple of weeks of study, I took a mock test in GMAT Prep Software and score in Quant was 47. However, it is not the quant that holds back my GMAT progress, but the verbal. I spent most of the time trying to improve my verbal score and practicing more on verbal, yet I could not get what I wanted. I never felt confident enough in verbal part. The situation did not changed even when I took the GMAT in November’16. I scored Q48 but verbal was a disaster.
Then, it was my time to take a step back and think what went wrong. It took me some time figure out that process of elimination is very important for verbal i.e. only figuring out the right answer is not enough, but figuring out why the wrong answer is wrong is equally important. So, I took some time to research the correct online prep. tool for me and finally, selected E-Gmat Verbal Online prep.
Today, as I get closer to GMAT date again, I feel differently about my verbal strength. Now I feel confident. The E-Gmat verbal online prep helped me a lot to come out from the situation that I had before my first GMAT attempt. This improvement is because of several features in the course.
Firstly, the concepts for each of the section – RC, CR and SC – are clearly explained with examples. It is important to show the concepts and application of the idea at the same time, with GMAT like examples. This course does that pretty well. This approach not only clears doubts and increases understanding of the concept, but also makes the concept stay embedded in your memory. Furthermore, the audio-visual approach of the course engage you in such a manner that you stay focused to lesson, a lot better than a boring lecture.
Secondly, the practice quizzes and concept quizzes right after each lesson helps to get quick feedback on your progress. For an impatient person like me, who is a sucker of quick result, the course worked well for me, at least from that point of view.
But what liked most in this course is its approach towards the wrong answer. Especially in RC and CR, the course provides you concepts on the wrong answer choice as well categorise them into the common traps used by the tentmakers. As a result, I fell a lot more confidant today when solve the questions.
Another feature that helped me a lot with my preparation is the scholarenium platform. This platform helped me to practice a lot with GMAT like question with different difficulty level. Plenty of options are available to customaries the quiz. Sometimes, I take a quiz in the exam setting to see my accuracy level. Other time I can just choose a topic in study mode to evaluate my strength on that topic. The explanation and feedbacks given in this quiz platform is really helpful.
All in all, I can say that E-Gmat verbal online prep helped me to get in better shape for the exam and to build up my confidence in verbal section!!

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