March 18, 2017

Joined: Jun 16, 2016

Posts: 11

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V40

How I prepared for GMAT verbal section


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I started my GMAT preparation about 18 months ago. This is my first standardized test so a lot of things were new to me when I first started. I started by buying the OG 2015. When I started solving it reading comprehension or the critical reasoning part did not give me that much of a trouble. I had few problems in those sections but I thought I could overcome those with more practice. But when I started the sentence correction part it was a completely different story. Even if I could luckily guess the answer of some questions I could not tell why that answer was better than rest of the options. I actually stopped preparing for GMAT for a while. Then about seven months ago I started again preparing for GMAT. However, when I started sentence correction I faced the same problem. This is the first time I actually started using GMAT club. I heard of e-gmat from one of my friends before but didn't really think of buying it that time. In GMAT club I saw an advertisement of e-gmat that said I could actually try the course first before buying it and even after buying it I could learn for few days and see whether I like it and if I did not they would give my money back. So, I thought well no harm in trying. So I first signed up for the free trial version and I liked their approach of solving sentence correction very much so I decided to buy the course.

After 6 months I sat for my GMAT exam but it did not really do as well as I expected to do. I scored a 650 out of 800 with a score of 35 in verbal. I was really shocked because I used GMAT Prep software to prepare for the exam and I never scored below 38. So, I tried to find out where I went wrong and found out my test taking strategy was seriously flawed. So I took a month and sat for the exam again and this time I scored 710 and this time my score in the verbal section was 40.
Here are the things that I found most useful while I used egmat:

1. e-gmat focuses on the meaning of the sentence very much. At first it may seem very time consuming and it took me 3/4 minutes to solve sentence correction questions in this way but with practice I was able to solve sentence correction questions in 60 to 90 seconds when I was done with the course.

2. The experts in egmat are very very helpful. There is also a forum with many questions from past students and many of them actually asked the questions I had in mind so I could find the answers to my question without trouble and when I had a unique question the experts were always there to answer my questions.

3. I had least trouble in the critical reasoning part of GMAT but there was one question type that troubled me and that was bold faced question. After using e-gmat's method I actually could solve bold faced questions quite well. The e-gmat critical reasoning course teaches critical reasoning in a very structured way and I believe it can be helpful to those who are facing problem in this section.

Lastly, I have a personal experience and it is not really directly related to the course itself but I want to share it since it actually helped me. My first GMAT exam was on 21st January 2017 but my e-gmat access ended in 7/10 days before that day. I mailed them asking for help and they extended my access till 31st January without any additional cost. It was a really nice thing to do from their part. So, If anyone else is facing problem in the verbal section I suggest to try the free course first and i believe they will actually find it useful as I did and take informed decision.

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