September 25, 2016

Joined: Jul 14, 2014

Posts: 125

Kudos: 55

Self-reported Score:
720 Q50 V37
600 Q48 V27

Did not work for me


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

My story is an anomaly. I tried e-gmat Verbal Online after seeing all the great reviews on gmatclub. I saw my verbal score go up on the practice tests. Throughout the course work, I felt that I was learning and improving. The videos on SC were helpful. My practice tests were reflecting that. However, on the actual exam, I did not improve. I'm still in the process of figuring out WHY. (Not giving up. )

I did write to e-gmat team and I was told that I should have taken the Ability tests as reliable indicators. I only took one before the exam because I was not aware that these tests could be important/reliable indicators. I kept taking the scholaranium accuracy tests and assumed that since my accuracy was improving, the score improvement on the practice tests is accurate.

As for the course material, I wish there was more emphasis/practice sessions on RC. I really wanted this course to work for me but was disappointed.

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