August 04, 2016

Joined: Nov 30, 2015

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
640 Q47 V31

Lot of Positives!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I'm a non native, schooled and educated in English. I have been working for almost 3 years now and recently, decided to write the GMAT. My work schedule makes it difficult for me to travel to a physical class and I wanted an online course that helps me improve my concepts. I gave the eGMAT Verbal Online a try. Here's my analysis :

For each topic, using eGMAT's course material and following these 4-steps rigorously helped me immensely :
1. The video lessons built a strong foundation of GMAT English in an extremely organized manner
2. Testing skills learnt in their application files (questions to specifically test those topics, irrespective of solid understanding of any other topic) - This really helps if you're completely out of the zone and find yourself struggling with different other parts. Their solutions are detailed video solutions. There's also a forum on the question itself where you can read / post doubts on the particular question.
3. The GMAT OG (Multiple years) / Verbal Review (Ed 2) question list for each topic : This helps you gain confidence on OG questions and post-analysis helps you get in the zone!
4. Scholarium : If you're not timing yourself well on GMAT OG - The scholarium comes to your rescue. You can design your own test - pick the number of passages, CR questions, RC questions. It recommends you a time, but you can keep it above average at the start and reduce it gradually as you get better.
5. GMAT involves a lot of reading and from what I hear BSchool too - the course has a LOT of articles. It's good reading practice specially if you're not in a reading habit anymore (The articles are GMAT specific topic, not general pieces)

Individual Sections
1) SC : For me, this section helped me the most. My accuracy shot up pretty soon. The detail with which each topic is covered seems just right. To keep up with the older topics, I kept attempting unattempted OG/VR2 questions randomly to identify pain points. The scholarium comes to the rescue as well.
2) CR : I was falling for a lot of traps that were being laid out. A lot of people kept telling me that CR skills don't improve soon, which made me skeptical of whether I could improve. After getting done with the topics, I could see myself classifying the questions into an assumption, flaw etc. (which I didn't do in a hurry otherwise) and started to pre-think before looking at the options.
3) RC : The CR/RC section in tandem made me understand structure of passages better, which in turn led to more time for reading and solving questions and higher accuracy.

I could see the results after covering a small portion of the course. The structured approach to the topics and the simplicity of the course is awesome. I CANNOT mug to save my life and a lot of notes online / material online and offline involve mugging rules, something I feel isn't for me.

Hope this review helped, hit me up if you want to know something else. Thanks!

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