July 20, 2016

Joined: Nov 18, 2013

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Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
600 Q46 V28

e-GMAT verbal online


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I'm a non native. My first GMAT prep test was Q46, V27. You see, I'm terrible at Verbal. The very first technique I learned in Verbal was evaluating the option and choose the correct one but this didn’t work for me. I started reading grammar but it was very difficult for me to correlate it with sentence correction while practice. And after tired day in office it was very difficult for me to even remember grammar rules. Even a day without reading drags my confidence few weeks back. I didn't know how I should go about this Verbal score. Then one of my friends suggested me to go for e-GMAT verbal online course. He used this course and conquered the GMAT with score of 750. I watched a session on sentence's meaning of e-GMAT by Payal Tandon. That session was amazing. They follow easy process for sentence correction:
1. Meaning analysis
2. Error Analysis
3. POE (Process of Elimination)
It provides me a strategy for sentence correction. I learned though the course that if you follow same strategy and practice, you will see improvement in your score. Main thing is -Meaning analysis in SC overrides grammar. I started to solve easy and medium difficulty question with accuracy of 90% and hard question with accuracy of 70%. If I want to boost my accuracy to about 90%, I'd know where to focus my time. And it’s handy to keep track of wrong answer & follow analysis thoroughly.
I thought for non-native person like me improvement of verbal score is hard task. e-GMAT comes as a solution for us. So it’s a worthy try to opt.

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