June 28, 2016

Joined: Jan 23, 2011

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680 Q49 V34

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Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I'm non-native. I'm trying to do well in the GMAT test, so I tried several different online preps. I'm quite good at Quant, but terrible at Verbal. I spent some time using MGMAT, GMAT Pill, Economist GMAT but I did better with e-GMAT. The course interface and the strategy to solve the questions are, for me, the best features of the course. Sooner after I heard of the course, I watched a session on sentence's meaning of e-GMAT. This was very helpful and opened a new world of possibilities for me. I started to see the sentence's problems and could solve some hard questions just based on meaning. Later I improved my skills using their 3 step process. My accuracy now higher than before, but there is still room to improve. Scholarinium is a great tool, it helps you to find where you should focus your time and efforts and gives you charts that show your strengths, weaknesses and your time. For sure, you should give e-GMAT a try.

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