June 19, 2016

Joined: Apr 29, 2013

Posts: 0

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Self-reported Score:
650 Q45 V35

Verbal Online - Absolutely!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

Having appeared for my GMAT(Q45, V35, 650) few years back, I was looking for a verbal course that would help me resume my preparation in a more systematic way. In my previous attempt, I got a little overwhelmed by everything I had to check or remember while I attempted the verbal section. I was quite relieved when I subscribed for e-GMAT's Verbal Online Course.
The flexibility it gave me to continue lessons whenever and where I got time aided me to speed up my preparation. In SC, instead on relying a long list of rules I had to remember, I now have a reliable consistent approach to tackle any question. The way concepts are broken down and the post assessment quizes helped me internalize the concepts and its application with clarity. The forum question and answers shared at the bottom of each quiz question are very useful when you are reviewing your approach and answers. I also found the detailed answers (videos / explanations) extremely useful in attempting the drills or OG quizzes. CR and RC Course also helped me identify specific points that I could incorporate in my approach and improvise. Recently, I have also started using the Scholarium question bank to aid me design and attempt targeted quizzes. I am working on building up the speed now that I feel comfortable with the content. While I appear for my mock exams in the coming weeks, I feel much more confident in what I have learned. The course beautifully cuts out all the noise and lays out the concepts required to be mastered in the most clear and concise way. I definitely recommend you to attend the free sessions or try out the free courses offered e-GMAT and see for yourself.

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