May 05, 2016

Joined: May 04, 2013

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Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

The course is very structured and you are able to target specific weakness areas and focus on improving your skill set very quickly.
I went through the study plan and tackled each session and crossed off them from the spreadsheet.
A minimum of 2 hours each day for about 60 days are more than enough with the preparation to get a good understanding of tacking verbal questsions.
The CR - critical thinking and prethinking approach greatly helped me with CR
Also for SC, the approach of completing all the course material was a good achievement for me.
There are also ample practice sessions with scholaranium , which help prepare solving a lot of problems as possible.
Best part is it assesses your weak areas and helps you specifically to improve on it.
Overall i would greatly recommend this course to any non native speaker to help improve their command of the english language and also improve their writing and comprehension skills.

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