April 17, 2016

Joined: Jul 12, 2015

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Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q50 V44

e-gmat helped me raise my score from 710 to 770


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

My GMAT journey is a long one. From 2013 to 2015, I took it five times: 630-> 700 -> 720 -> 710 -> 770. As a non-native speaker, I have to say e-gmat indeed helped me to cross the 750 mark.

The first four times, I worked very hard and I’m very persistent. I studied all the materials you’ve heard of and I’ve put hundreds of hours into it. However, I still couldn’t reach my target score.

Then I began to realize GMAT is a test that requires not only hard work, but also an effective strategy and balanced mind. So when I got a lower score the fourth time, I took a chance with e-gmat and bought the verbal online course. Given the fact that I got big fellowship from a top 15 school, I believe the two hundred dollars is probably the best investment I’ve made so far.

I’m not saying e-gmat is the solution to all GMAT problems. I only testify that e-gmat approach for verbal worked very well for me. First, it helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses, which will help you better allocate your time and efforts on different sections. Secondly, its ‘meaning analysis’ approach to tackle sentence correction seems the best approach to me. I couldn’t think of other better way to prepare for this SC section. Thirdly, its CR problems are difficult so the real GMAT problems may seem easier for you. In addition, its free webinars on how to prepare for GMAT strategically are priceless, because even if a test taker is proficient in every individual section, he/she may still not able to achieve her best when all three types of problems are mixed together. Not to mention GMAT is computer adaptive. There’s just so much useful information provided in those webinars.

Anyway, as someone who used to not believe test prep courses, I wholeheartedly thank e-gmat.

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