February 12, 2016

Joined: May 17, 2013

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V36 ----> V40... and going V40+ using e-GMAT Verbal Online


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I am a low 700 GMATer, and have picked up the GMAT again to push my score to the 750 range. In my last attempt I had used e-GMAT for SC and had my verbal score go up from V36 to V40 (my de-brief can be found on gmatclub). To push above V40, this time around I am using the entire e-GMAT Verbal Online course. I found it to be the most effective of the resources I picked up, and wanted to share some of its key features.

1. Focus on right processes:-
You need to approach each verbal question type in a systematic manner. Developing the approach is the 1st step. Repeating it to the point of internalizing it is the more difficult step. This was probably the single-most important difference in my V40 attempt. I had used the e-GMAT approach to solving SC questions, and had my accuracy go up. Building an ‘approach process’ has helped me improve my RC and CR accuracy (I am weakest in CR, and have seen my accuracy go up from ~50% - 70+%). e-GMAT does a great job of breaking down the process and helping you understand it (the focus on the right process is there throughout – right from e-GMAT’s information session to solutions of practice questions – they highlight the importance of processes really well).

2. Quality over Quantity:
This is something that I did not pay attention to in my 1st attempt, and something that made a huge difference in the 2nd time. For eg:- In my 1st attempt, I focused on ‘bulk practising’. I would practise 20 questions of a concept that I was fairly good in at. Getting these right made me feel good about my practise. I thus neglected my weaker areas. In my 2nd attempt, I spent more time with ‘verbs and tenses’ and other weaker concepts. I found e-GMAT’s SC course to be particularly effective because each question was testing a ‘concept’. I would thus be forced to learn a concept, as without this I cannot get it right. This was very important, and the course does a great job of allowing you to zero down on your weakest areas exactly.

3. Understanding the verbal section:
In my 1st attempt, I never spent too much time understanding the exam. I thus went in with many misconceptions – Doing section A vs section B in Verbal is going to be more effective. RC will have the toughest questions while SC will have the weakest questions. Etc. – the list was huge. In my 2nd attempt, I was able to get a lot of these misconceptions clarified, and e-GMAT’s strategy sessions and verbal lessons do a great job at de-mystifying the exam. For example: e-GMAT’s strategy session has this brilliant section on ‘what is the impact of getting the 1st couple of questions right vs getting them incorrect’. Knowing these potholes is imperative if you are going to score high on verbal. e-GMAT does a fantastic job of helping understand what is being tested, why is it being tested, and how should you approach it.

I would highly recommend e-GMAT if you are serious about touching a high verbal score.

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