November 10, 2015

Joined: May 01, 2013

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Self-reported Score:
730 Q50 V38



Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I started preparations in early 2015 using Manhattan GMAT and one more online prep tool, even though both are great resource (enough for all my inspiring seniors), but I could not improve beyond a point - my first mock highlighted me to be weak in all 3 verbal sections. It was a big disappointment, since I was working hard (in my terms at least then) by taking out time during lunch breaks, weekly flights, dedicating entire weekends in midst of 70-80 hour work weeks.
It was then I decided to switch to E-Gmat in Q2 2015.
After attending E-Gmat Verbal online course for couple of months (with same schedule), I realized that Sentence Correction, my most dreaded subject so far, is the easiest skill to acquire on the GMAT exam. With E-GMAT approach, SC has become a breeze, and without revising my SC notes for last 2 months, I still do well (max 2 wrongs on mocks). So thumbs up to E-Gmat for that.
RC is the other section I had to work upon, earlier I used to panic with my slow speed and mess up answers largely, but now I am much more calmer during RC sections now than ever before. I had to seek additional help from some online blogs apart from e-gmat's thorough approach, but at least I had the basic approach set.
For Critical Reasoning, E-Gmat video classes directed me into correct direction from my previous randomized approach, yet I could not perform very well on mocks in this section due to my slow speed or carelessness many at times, so I had to complement it with more resources, and top advice I received from blogs & friends was to refer Powerscore Critical Reasoning Bible. I again realized that E-Gmat had given me a solid base to be able to absorb additional (or re-emphasizing) advice in this famous book that I always thought to be uninteresting.
Not to forget, Scholaranium tests have been helpful in understanding concept of TAKT time; even though I subscribed to only Verbal course's part, I am able to apply the concepts properly to Quant sections.
e-GMAT provided great support‎, excellent well-researched very-relevant material, and very good Scholaraniums, both Verbal and Quant (the beta testing invite arrived at the perfect time for me, I strengthened my Number systems and Remainders topics using it). Honestly EGMAT played a great role in whatever I could score.

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