July 19, 2016

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

As they mention in their strategy session, the E-GMAT as a Test Prep Company started out with one of their premium product- SC Online. Then went on to add CR & RC. Verbal Online as a whole can be covered by a student in about max 30 Hours. This is one of finest course available for the student to ace the GMAT in less than 15 days if due diligence is given to the course and if the E-GMAT 3-step process is followed properly.

Since it is little tough for a non-native speaker to train their ears to understand few sentence structure used by the native speakers, the E-GMAT clearly helps to train the student on the nuances of the SC so that the non-native also succeed in the GMAT.

The Course content is outlined topic wise followed by the quiz, a student will be able to move on another section only when he/she completes the quiz. This certainly helps a student to master one topic at a time.

E-GMAT is certainly a plus for non-native speaker who wish to understand how/what the GMAT tested on.

Overall, for $199, it is worth buying this course for its content and questions in its arsenal that will certainly add value to the Student, who wants to ace the GMAT.

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