August 19, 2015

Joined: Dec 04, 2014

Posts: 0

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Self-reported Score:
610 Q43 V32
650 Q47 V32

Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

As a non-native speaker, I found it very difficult to learn and master the rules of SC only by reading textbooks. The e-GMAT approach is great and conducive to learning! The mix of videos, readings, and frequent drills allowed me to better understand and learn SC rules. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to apply directly my skills on OG questions as e-GMAT provides both a classification of OG questions and a very detailed video solution for each OG question. Overall, the e-GMAT 3-steps approach is very useful to tackle any SC question in under 1min30.
Concerning CR and RC, the e-GMAT pre-thinking process allowed me to get clear thoughts on what to look for in the question or text, greatly increasing my accuracy rate.
I recommend e-GMAT Verbal Online for every non-native speaker that struggles to master GMAT verbal.

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