July 19, 2015

Joined: Sep 08, 2012

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Arm your Verbal preparation with e-GMAT Verbal course


Improvement 120 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I had given my GMAT once in July, 2013, in which i scored 550/800. This score demotivated me so much that i gave up the whole idea of MBA and just focused on my job. However, after 2 years, i decided to give wings to my MBA dreams once again. So after doing several cost+reviews analysis, i signed up with e-GMAT.

e-GMAT is the indeed the best score for non natives. The course is beautifully structured, beginning with basic topics and gradually moving the advanced ones with lots of practice examples. Moreover, the audio+visual combination helps you to retain things for a longer time compared to plain books. The e-GMAT SC 3-step process not only helps you to learn about identifying errors and correcting them but also helps you to understand as to why a particular choice is right or wrong. The CR prethinking step is a very crucial step for your success on the CR section and e-GMAT helps you master this step perfectly. All in all, i would say that it is indeed a critical component for your GMAT preparation.

As of now, i have been consistently scoring 670-680 in my mock exams, which is 120 points well above my first GMAT attempt. My GMAT is scheduled on 13th August, and hopefully, i achieve my target score this time. I shall share my detailed GMAT experience once i am done with it.

Thank you & Good luck!

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