July 13, 2015

Joined: Jul 13, 2015

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Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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The e-GMAT verbal online course is a great resource especially for non-natives. Their SC module, in particular, is exceptional. I saw a marked improvement in my practice exams, where I went from getting more than half the SC questions wrong to getting almost all questions correct. My practice exam score increased to 740 (41V, 49Q - OG) from 700 (37V, 50Q - Economist GMAT). And the studying I did between these practice exams was e-GMAT's SC module. Their SC and CR modules are also very very good. Their instructors, Payal Tandon, Rajat Sadana and Neeti Sohal, do an outstanding job at making learning engaging, accessible and logical. The foundation courses in their SC, RC and CR modules set the tone for the rest of the section - you build on the processes they teach as you go along. Another great thing about the courses is that by the time you will finish a particular module, you will have practiced their processes and learning techniques so much that they will become a second nature to you. I highly recommend this course, especially to non-natives.

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