April 23, 2015

Joined: Jun 13, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Hey GMAT club folks, I am a civil engineering professional [With average 70 hours weekly working hours] who is striving to face the GMAT monster for the third time now. On the previous two occasions I completely undermined the challenges offered by GMAT [Not surprisingly scored 620 and 610 respectively].

So for the third time around I thought it might be rewarding to seek help from the professionals. Little research was all that was required to zero in on EGMAT. I enrolled myself for the Verbal Online course and I am more than satisfied with the results. EGMAT team swears by their process oriented approach to tame the verbal beast and is THE course for all non-natives like me.

With the GMAT scheduled on 8th June '15, really hoping to put an end to the GMAT chapter. Wish me luck guys!!

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