April 08, 2015

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I am an engineer form india working for a Public Sector for the past 6 years. I decided to took GMAT and came across the E-GMAT . I attended free demo of verbal preparation from Rajat Sadna and decided to enrolled for E-GMAT verbal online course.
I got through the entire course and improved my understanding of the verbal section significantly.
I realized how good the verbal online course is. Special mention for SC, because I think this is the best course which anybody can take and become comfortable with nuances of SC- sentence structure,meaning and spotting the errors.SC is structured in very easy to understand mode . Moreover, the articles written for SC is superb.In CR, Structure and pre-thinking steps gives a solid understanding of the argument. In RC, solution technique for Inference question was best.But the best part is verbal workshop. I recommend everyone to attend it,because it gives you the points where you have to focus (even you have studied full and getting a good score in mocks).

Finally, Thanks to e-gmat. I recommend Verbal online course to anyone who have problem in verbal, especially in SC and CR and who wants to give the test in very short duration.

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