April 07, 2015

Joined: Dec 07, 2014

Posts: 5

Kudos: 1

Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

Initially when I enrolled, I had my own apprehensions about online courses. But thanks to positive reviews from my friends who have experienced e-GMAT study programme, I enrolled for this course. The structured and Step by Step approach adopted by e-GMAT not only boosted my confidence to take this test but also increased my overall proficiency in English Language. Best part of this course is the Sentence Correction module, Initially I always had a doubt on applying all the Grammar concepts to identify the right choice but with step by step problem solving approach explained in this course really helped.. I think the team has done a tremendous job in creating this product and is helping numerous e-GMATians! All the best.

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