February 09, 2015

Joined: Dec 17, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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As an engineer foreigner student I was used to excel at Quant. Althought I tnought the Verbal part would be easy I soon learnt that my premisse was wrong. So I had to painfuly learn how to take SC /CR / RC tests. Most of the guides that I used helped me reach a 600 ~ to almost a 660 GMAT (I usually scored a consistent Q48) but my verbal suffered a lot. I did all of the Official GMAT questions and some of the Verbal Suplement, but even those books could not bring my game up to 700+.
e-GMAT promissed to raise my Verbal Score, and had a great value for money.
I test the trial version and enjoyed very much the approach. Super detailed topics, a lot of drills and a point of view that all foreigners need to ensure better grades.
I really recommend it.

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