January 10, 2015

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Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I took gmat two year back, but i was not able to score well in verbal section. i took outside coaching and various other courses to imrpove my verbal skills. but improvement was minimal, Even after scoring 48 in quant was nt able to get more then 29 in verbal. i started believing that GMAt is not my cup of tea. but i always wanted to prove my self wrong . i decided to start my preparations for one last time .I joined e-gmat verbal course and within a week results started favoring my stand . RC which was most feared topic for me became my favorite topic.I have been told earlier that there is nothing one can do about RC, but I am glad to say that if one follows e-GMAT process significant improvement in RC is possible. thanks to EGMAT team, . After completing the CR and SC course,my accuracy increased greatly
i am lot more confident now.i strongly recommend this verbal course to the other non natives

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