January 04, 2015

Joined: May 13, 2014

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Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I liked the flexibility of delivery. I was able to do the course in my pace. I attended a few strategy sessions online.
Esp for a non-native speaker the sentence correction & critical reasoning was very useful. Was not able to use all the material on my previous attempt. Will be attempting my GMAT & hoping to improve my score. 6 months of online access comes in very useful. Within 10 days, i was able to observe a change for the better, in my approach to Sentence correction questions. It goes a step beyond in detailing why each answer choice is wrong. That helps a lot in improving your performance in future questions, esp avoiding similar pitfalls.
Detailed videos help a lot for sentence correction & reading comprehension.

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