June 19, 2014

Joined: Jul 25, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Based on one of my friend’s suggestion I had purchased e-GMAT verbal online course. Initially I thought that I was playing gamble with the money I spent. However I was proved wrong when I actually started going through the concepts. I was amazed the way explanations are done on each topic my personal favorite is Sentence Correction section. My accuracy rate for SC was pathetic but after going through the all the SC concepts I am bit confident and started improving on same. However the game turner is the section with full solutions of OG Verbal Prep 2. I started with initial 10 questions by just playing video’s to understand how to apply the e-GMAT strategy end to end on an OG question. Later I start using the pause option to stop the video and start identifying errors from the given sentence and then continue with video to understand where I am going wrong or right this exercise has improved my accuracy rate further. Generally our human tendency is to start looking at answer choice to backup our identified errors BUT that is NOT the case with OG explanations because there are no Answer choices given hence there is no distraction and I have forced myself to identify errors. By the time I finished 110 questions I feel much more confident and I am sure, can apply e-GMAT strategy to identify the errors in a sentence.
I wish if e-GMAT can add get similar OG explanation for CR & RC section also then it would have helped to master in all the areas to crack verbal section like a cake walk….I hope they consider it in coming future.
I am also getting invite from e-GMAT team to attend their free Verbal online sessions, which are also an added advantage where I got a chance to look on how to apply a strategy in a live session. These sessions are really helpful especially the CR “Pre-Thinking”. In a nutshell e-GMAT team is really doing a wonderful job and deserves a pat on their back.
Last not the least, it’s imperative to mention that it needs lot of practice to master all the strategies but if one can do so, he or she can easily obtain 37-40 in Verbal (or may be more). I am also looking forward to target the same score and planning to appear for exam in a month’s time.
Hope you all also take benefit of these courses based on your requirement and achieve your desired scores to get admission in your dream B-School. All the very Best..!!

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