May 30, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
640 Q49 V29

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I joined e-GMAT verbal online course when I started preparing for my second attempt to take the GMAT. My GMAT score on my first attempt (in Aug-2013) was 640 (49Q,29V). As the score shows, I needed to improve in the verbal section. That is when I started searching for online courses and I came across e-GMAT. Being a non-native speaker, I thought e-GMAT to be a good choice. Until now, I never regretted my decision. A few days into the course, I saw my verbal score improving, especially in sentence correction. The importance given to "meaning" (not just grammar rules) in solving SC questions helped me a lot. Also, the concept of pre-thinking in CR helped to solve medium-hard questions. Overall my verbal score till now improved to 35. Thanks to e-GMAT.

My recent mocks scores:-
MGMAT4 :- 640 (43Q, 34V)
MGMAT5 :- 660 (45Q, 35V)
GMATprep1 :- 690 (49Q, 35V)
GMATprep2 :- 700 (50Q, 35V)
I have yet to take my GMAT (less than one month from now). I hope I continue to improve and succeed in my endeavour.

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