January 26, 2014

Joined: Nov 25, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Prior to enrolling with e-GMAT, I had spent approximately $1,000 on test prep with very poor results.
Mock scores: - Before e-GMAT- V28. After e-GMAT- V36

I stumbled upon on e-GMAT through the GMATclub forums. I read the reviews, was impressed by them, yet was skeptical about signing up with them. I then signed up for a free trail and after 3hrs of learning, I decided to sign up with e-GMAT. (The free trial consists of 1/5th of their course. )

Here are the reasons why e-GMAT is the best prep company for GMAT Verbal.

1). Most cost effective

2). Limits the use of Jargon's to almost NIL.

3). Audio Visual and interactive mode of learning. Reading a SC guide of 300 pages can get really boring and retention post that, not much. With the amount of jargon's used in these guides, learning can get really frustrating.

4) The e-GMAT way to acing Verbal is more about following a structured process that with practice makes solving verbal questions much easier and in lesser time than about memorizing a bunch of rules.

5) Modules are designed in such a way that you first learn a concept and then you learn to apply those concepts. The concepts are broken into levels that are in increasing order of difficulty. After each level your given OG problems pertaining that level to solve. This ensures more practice and review, and helps one clarify doubts pertaining to that level.

6)Exceptional customer and after sale service. Every doubt and query is answered in <24hrs.

7) Verbal workshop at the end of your prep to diagnose where you currently and stand and assess your weakness and strength

8)The 3 live sessions on Meaning and Structure, Pre-thinking and the tactical strategy sessions are very useful and insightful.
A lot of gmat myth's are debunked in the sessions. Moreover, they are free. For the value add one gets from these sessions, its definitely worth the time.

9) Approximately 45 days of using e-GMAT and my verbal raw score has improved by 8 points to V36. A week more and I am sure I'll the V40+ score range.

Hope this helps people decide on choosing the right course, and hands down e-GMAT is by far ahead of competition in Verbal Prep. Moreover, compared with other test prep courses, e-GMAT is most cost effective and requires the least investment.


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