July 19, 2013

Joined: Dec 04, 2011

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Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I have enrolled for the e-GMAT courses for my preparation for the GMAT test. I am scheduled to take the exam on August 22nd.

Acknowledging that e-GMAT courses as the best source for my test preparation would be an understatement. It also helped me improve my written communication skills and reading skills in my other associated tasks. e-GMAT provided a hands-on training step by step to develop my competency in English.

No matter what, I am already satisfied with e-GMAT since I can communicate better with the knowledge that I have accumulated by studying it. Last but not the least, I have already managed to score 25 verbal questions correctly as opposed to 7 during my first diagnostic test. I am hoping to score at least 30 on my final test. All the credit will go to e-GMAT without any reservation.

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