July 15, 2013

Joined: Sep 20, 2008

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e-Gmat Verbal Online review


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

After being a member on gmatclub for a while, I started looking for a course that was comparable in price and quality. I had seen a number of great posts from e-gmat and after doing the course math it was almost a no brainer to go ahead and purchase their verbal online course.

I was particularly interested in the SC and CR sections of their course. As a non-native I used to make a number of silly SC mistakes that woud drive me nuts. In a short amount of time, I was able to go through a number of the SC videos in the course and those were just as great as the gmatclub posts from the e-gmat gurus. There are a variaty of SC concepts, some of which I thought I had an above average understanding and a chance of getting answers correctly. Well, after seeing the videos I definitely could see why I used to make a number of careless mistakes. The concepts and explanations in the course, although I felt at times were meant for 1st graders, definitely solidified my understanding and boosted my confidence.

The great part about the course was that it also allowed me to use grockit for practice. This is where I was able to benchmark knowledge gained from the e-gmat tutorials vs. timed accuracy. Jokes aside, but I'm willing to admit that after some serious and focused practice I was like a hound dog sniffing through the sentences and was quickly and easily able to spot patterns and mistakes (I was scared :) ).

I was only able to go through limited RC, CR and IR because I got preoccupied with work but some of the videos I saw were great, as well. Definitely, the major and even a number of miscellaneous concepts are covered in the course and have I had more spare time on my shoulders I would have loved to go through all the material in the course.

My only negative memories are with some of the web site navigation. I found it a bit confusing at first with the way the Dashboard was represented. Anyways, once you get the hang of it, it is not of any negative impact for the skills you gain for what you paid.

Overall, it's a great bang for the buck and the people from e-gmat have definitely put a great amount of effort for the great concepts, material and explanations provided in the course.

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