June 02, 2013

Joined: Sep 18, 2012

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Improvement 20 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

At the onset, I would like to express my sincere thanks to e-GMAT team for creating a wonderful online course that fulfills needs of industry veterans like myself who are miles away from minute concepts like grammar, critical reasoning. eGMAT online verbal content is so precise & pointed that it took me few days to get on track.

I found their SC & CR sections very easy to understand as compared to another leading online course that I purchased. e-GMAT content is very well written & explained to minute details.

Special to mention is their best in class IR content. The way they explain various sections with multiple scenarios would help fresh graduates. Specially graph analysis, since fresh graduates dont see those compared to experienced people.

Also to mention is their online support on queries. They are very prompt on answering queries on concepts or specific questions.

After taking all online content, my practice exam score improved by 20 points on Kaplan and MGMAT.

My target was to get enrolled into Fellowship in one of Top 10 indian B schools. With e-GMAT's help, I was able to score decently in GMAT (650+) & convert by bid in one of Top 5 B School in India.

Sincere thanks to team at e-GMAT (Payal, Rajat, Archana) for help in my endeavor.

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