May 06, 2013

Joined: Dec 24, 2011

Posts: 1

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Self-reported Score:
670 Q49 V32

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I gave Gmat twice, with scores of 670 and 610. I lost 60 points, all in verbal, in my second attempt. I ran out of all the resources; I solely depended on Manhatten SC for SC, Power Source CR Bible for CR and Manhatten RC for RC. Then I came to know about e-Gmat and bought its Verbal Onlline.

How e-Gmat changed my way of preparation?

The most important thing you get through SC course of Verbal online is the method of approach to get the right answer. They just don't give a bunch of grammar rules, but provide a systematic approach to tackle a problem. Even with CR and RC, the video's helped me to formulate particular strategy for particular problem. This changed the way i look at the questions.

Highlights of Verbal Online:

Sentence Correction:
*The course provides solid concepts. It was amazing that even after preparing from Manhattem SC there were so many concepts i was not aware of.

*The Gmat-like set problems after each concept will really help us to apply the concepts learnt

*Amazing level 3 questions. The level 3 questions are just the kind of questions we see in the real test.

*Emphasis on meaning. There are dedicated problem sets with emphasis on meaning of sentences.

*UGE questions. Extra practice questions in the form of UGE-User Generated Exercises, is very helpful.

Critical Reasoning:

I like the way how they divided the chapters and the sequence is pretty good too.
Especially the weaken, strengthen and assumption sections in CR are dealt in a precise manner with subdivisions and application files appropriately. I felt that if there were application files for method of reasoning and flaw in the reasoning, it would be good. Similarly more exercises at the end of the whole CR course would be an icing on the cake.

Reading Comprehension:

*The way they divided the course according to type of questions(detail qs, main point qs etc) is very fetching.
*The strategy suggested in the course to tackle an RC worked for me very well and i was able to increase my accuracy.
*There are Gmat-like practice problems at each level.

All in all. e-Gmat Verbal Course is a boon for all those struggling in verbal

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