March 18, 2012

Joined: Sep 12, 2010

Posts: 204

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e-gmat SC is a GREAT!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

One of the common factors that I read from other test takers, who scored over 700, were their ability to master the Sentence Correction. In order to be successful in SC, you have to not only solve the question correctly, but also solve it under a minute. By doing so, it will allow you to have more time to solve RC and CR questions. Thus, I have focused a considerable amount of time on SC.

Many people on the GC forum have recommended MGMAT SC and Aristotle SC, and so those are the books that I used to build my SC fundamentals. However, my OG SC accuracy was only about 70% after I have studied extensively through those two books. In addition, I was not able to solve SC questions in under a minute; most SC questions took me about 3-4 minutes to solve. Thus, I began to look for online courses that would help me improve SC.

Luckily, I found e-gmat SC. First, I signed up for their free-trial, and after I finished it, I decided to purchase the SC course. I love the way that the couse is stuctured. There are three levels in the course. In order to access the higher level contents, you have to take a quiz and get a certain amount of points. Many of the concepts are discussed in the MGMAT SC guide. However, it really help me understand those concepts when I HEAR and SEE them from an instructor. e-gamt's three-steps process really helps me understand how to approach SC systematically. My SC accuracy and speed has improved greatly.

There are some negatives about the courses. The instructor is an India-speaker. Thus, it does take time to get used to her accent. Also, there are some questions that are based on India culture, and so it could be difficult for non-India students to understand the meaning of the sentence. Finally, there are some questions that are not GMAT format, but they are still helpful because they reinforce the concepts.

Overall, I am very happy with the course, and I feel more confident about SC. Thanks e-gmat!

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