January 24, 2012

Joined: Aug 02, 2011

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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So I contacted my old friendversary (is there is such a term) who had scored 750 last year for guidance. He told me that the most important think to succeed on the GMAT is to ensure that you fundamentals are right. Once you have the right foundation – do OG multiple times, each time with a fresh perspective till you realize that you have started to think some-what like a test taker. He also recommended taking e-GMAT SC course in addition to MGMAT SC (which I already had).

e-GMAT SC course was wonderful. It just changed my approach towards SC. SC became like math – logical and lucid. The rules of grammar seemed a lot more logical to me. The course also had ample practice questions and really good support.

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