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Personally, what worked for me was the structured approach, a user-friendly interface, an analytical view of my performance, and most of all, the fact that I could solely focus on learning and solving problems instead of also having to find the right resources and question banks, which was a large bottleneck during my self-study phase. I would also appreciate the SIgma-x mock, along with the Scholaranium for accuracy practice drills.
Would make the product better:
I would appreciate it if they had a slightly more concise error-tracking mechanism, perhaps through text-based references v/s having to watch a video description of how to solve the question.
I started preparing for the GMAT, hoping to get a 90%ile+ across sections through self-study. However, two months down the line I found myself in murky waters, with high self-doubts on my ability to predictably score, along with diminished confidence on my ability to come out of it. In such a time, I decided to enroll with e-GMAT.
After taking the initial mock and scoring a 665, and given constraints around time commitment, I knew that I had to take a curated path for all three sections. I was in touch with my mentor Rashmi, who was kind enough to proactively check in and offer course correction steps.
For Verbal, I had to go through the entire curriculum, familiarizing myself with pre-thinking and getting accustomed to reading strategies, before moving towards cementing and the practice questions. I moved straight to the practice problems in Quant but soon had to take a step back at the cementing process to improve accuracy.
I would definitely recommend e-GMAT for someone who’s looking for a reliable and accurate resource for studying, and for someone who wants to spend less time figuring out what to study, and focus only on execution.