September 05, 2024

Joined: May 29, 2021

Posts: 4

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Focus score:
715 Q90 V83 DI84

Wonderful course that helped me achieve my dream score


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


1. The amount of detail in the course. This course alone is sufficient to cover all concepts needed to ace the exam
2. The number of problems available for practice
3. Similarity of questions to the real GMAT

The aspect of the course I really love is the amount of detail present in the course. If you can be patient ( Which you really need for GMAT ) and take the time to understand the processes and practices put in place this course is an absolute banger! It hits all the required aspects in Verbal, Quant and DI. The questions on the Scholaranium might feel they are slightly harder than the ones in the GMAT official book but trust me, once you get the hang of the principles mentioned in the course they will really help you a lot when actually applying the concepts on the GMAT and it will feel like a breeze. The number of questions you can practice on to apply the concepts you learn is insane. So if you take the time and mindfully practice, I can guarantee that it will improve your score a lot!

The platform is also simple to use and pretty straightforward. They walk you through the learning stages - like Cementing and Test Readiness so you are 100% sure that you know the concept, learnt the concept and can apply the concept. They walk you through prethinking for CR, reading strategies in Verbal, applying process skills in Quant and owning the dataset in DI, all of which I really found helpful in my GMAT exam.

I was part of the LMP program ( Last Mile Push Program ) where you are paired with a mentor who can motivate you, guide you on where you should be focusing your time and skills on and even help you in areas you are weak. This really pushed me when I was feeling down or couldn't gather enough motivation to finish my tasks.

Overall Tips if you plan on choosing the course:
1. Be Patient and follow through the course. This isn't a small course by any means. It is meant to take you to 99 percentile. And contrary to the saying "Good things don't come in small packages"

2. Keep yourself motivated throughout the course. They have a system where if you get the questions right in the pre test of a concept, you are advised on what concepts you can skip. Take it up as a challenge and try to do your best and gamify your experience so it's interesting

3. If there is anyone you can rely on to push you to get that score, ( sometimes we all need that extra push ) don't be shy to reach out and ask the e-GMAT team for help. They will try and help you as much as they can.

4. The course is slightly expensive. So don't fall off the track. Keep the momentum going and try and complete the course within 4 months if possible.

All the best!

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