May 23, 2024

Joined: Dec 08, 2023

Posts: 2

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Verified GMAT Focus score:
665 Q86 V81 DI82

e-GMAT review - Great Self Paced


Improvement 120 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


1. Structured Course content
2. PACE enablement for quant section which measures your skillset based on a quiz and skip topics that one might already have a grasp on and helps save time
3. Last Mile Program
4. Scholaranium for timed practice of Medium and Hard Questions
5. Data Insights Section - course material and practice questions

Would make the product better:


I recently finished taking my GMAT and scored a 665 and was able to achieve my target score through the help of e-GMAT course.
One of the features I like about the course is its structure and well-defined milestones and steps that help you track your performance and growth. They’ve divided each of the three sections into 3 stages which allows you to quantify your progress and strengthen your concepts.
While the course content for all three sections is well formulated and helps you improve, I specifically recommend the Data Insight section. The detailed solutions and approach help you not only understand how to solve such questions but also help in building an error log that can vastly change your score. Also, the wide variety of questions prepare you sufficiently well for the exam. 
Lastly, the Last Mile Program and mentorship provided helped me immensely in formulating a strategy that would help me achieve my target score. It gave me actionable insights and steps to increase my score. It was kind of the last piece of the puzzle that took my score from 565-585 range to 665. 

I would recommend this course to anyone who is looking for a self-paced course which can keep them motivated and consistent in their journey. There could be many sources for practice questions and preparation but what makes e-GMAT unique for me is the way it helps you define goals and a path to reach them. It can be hard sometimes to stay motivated while managing a full-time career and resume studies for long intervals after a couple of years. Some topics may seem easier to grasp based on personal interest but others might feel very challenging, in such a scenario one might likely feel discouraged or disappointed. e-GMAT content has a core value associated with it which is - that as long as you follow the process, you’ll be able to solve the question - This is something that got drilled into me and helped me believe that no matter the setback I can push myself and achieve my target score. 

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