December 26, 2023

Joined: Aug 09, 2023

Posts: 1

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Focus score:
655 Q78 V87 DI82

Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


(1) Exceptional Learning Platform focused on skill and metholody
(2) Extensive question bank and skill cementing approach (Scholanarium)
(3) Unparalleled Mentoring and true commitment to their students´ success

I embarked on my GMAT preparation journey with a modest 560 mock-up score, balancing a full-time executive job. Within five months, eGMAT transformed my approach and gave me all necessary skills, leading me to achieve a very satisfying 655, above my initial target. Here's why I highly recommend eGMAT:

(1) Exceptional Learning Platform: eGMAT's platform is a testament to their vast experience in GMAT preparation. The course is meticulously designed, prioritizing skill learning over mere practice. The guided learning path eliminates the guesswork of what to study each day, ensuring mastery of concepts and methodologies essential for scoring high. As a non-native English speaker, the verbal section was really scary at start… But the eGMAT course was a game-changer for me, boosting my confidence and skills (especially mastering comprehension course, capacity to identify question type and apply prethinking methodology), and placing me in the 99th percentile in the verbal section! The math courses, too, were instrumental in rejuvenating my long-forgotten high school math skills, with comprehensive coverage of all exam aspects. Finally, despite it is very recent, eGMAT provided detailed course and extensive practice materials for the Data Insights section.

(2) The Scholaranium - A Treasure of Practice: eGMAt provide access to what they call the Scholanarium which is an extensive question bank, a vital tool for cementing methodologies. It offers possibility to create custom quizzes to focus on defined level of question, defined area of a section, to focus on timing or on the topic, it helps you as well to keep you error log and every question comes with a very detailed explanation on methodology. Also, you can write down on any question for further detail and personalized answer. Everytime I did, I had an answer in less than 12 hours... This feature alone is a huge time-saver and an invaluable resource.

(3) Unparalleled Mentoring: eGMAT's mentoring system is what truly sets them apart in my opinion. From day one, I was assigned a mentor (Rashmi). I can now say she was instrumental in my success. Her guidance on study rhythm, identifying areas of improvement, and short-term action plans were pivotal. More than that, her unwavering mental and motivational support helped me navigate the emotional ups and downs of GMAT prep. GMAT is a mental roller coaster and having people by your side who unconditionally believe in you, motivate you, and give you the keys to come back stronger, is priceless. After every preparation, every mock up, Rashmi was there to help me to understand the areas to improve, how to prepare for the next one,... up to the preparation of the exam day. Also I have to mention I was really surprised, and it says a lot about eGMAT, when Rajat, the founder himself, started to personally contact me to understand on what I was struggling, giving me crucial last mile one to one coaching and sending regular messages to ensure the best attitude for test day. I can´t see any stronger testament to their commitment to student success.

GMAT preparation is an arduous journey requiring time, energy, and mental fortitude. But with eGMAT's exceptional support, methodology, tools, and dedicated team, I navigated this path successfully. A heartfelt thanks to the entire eGMAT team, especially Rashmi and Rajat, for their unparalleled support.

Recommendation: Without any hesitation, I recommend eGMAT to all GMAT aspirants. Their comprehensive approach and personalized support make a significant difference!

January 03, 2024

Dear Moulio, 

A hearty congratulations on a well-earned 655😊 What a journey it has been, and I am so glad that you have been able to surpass your target score in this attempt! It has been a pleasure working with you during this journey!

I am really glad to hear that you enjoyed our learning platform. Your improvement from the 26th percentile to the 99th percentile in verbal is a testament to the effort that you put into making the most of the platform. See how despite the challenges of being a non-native speaker, you were able to improve to an exceptional verbal score:

Image link:

It is great to know that you found the quant and the DI courses equally effective. As you have rightly mentioned, DI is a new course, and it is important to have a course that is comprehensive and equips you with all the skills needed to excel in DI, and also provides sufficient questions for practice. It is heartening to know that you did not feel the need to refer to any other material on DI and the material on the platform was sufficient for you to reach an enviable score of D82.

It is not just enough to build a rock-solid foundation. To get a top score on the GMAT, you need to excel in applications; for this, you need to practice on great quality questions. Not only that, but you also need tools that help you identify and fix any pockets of weaknesses. It is really commendable how you leveraged the Scholaranium to do targeted practice that helped you excel across the sub-sections. See how this data-driven approach helped you not only improve your accuracy to 79% in word problems but also helped reduce the overall time to 1min 54 seconds:

Image link:

Thank you for your amazing feedback on our mentorship program – we place student preparation and success at the core of our philosophy, and it is heartening to learn that it was instrumental in helping you get to your dream score. At the same time, the pleasure has been ours too – working with you and seeing the unwavering commitment to success😊

It must not be easy to balance your busy work life with the GMAT preparation and excel at it, but I am delighted to see how you managed this and achieved a wonderful score. Congratulations again on this wonderful achievement.

Here is wishing you all the very best for all your future endeavors.

Best regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

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