June 05, 2023

Joined: Dec 25, 2022

Posts: 2

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q49 V36

My journey from 560 to 700 with e-GMAT


Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


Master comprehension section is truly a game-changer!

Would make the product better:

If the verbal section of the course could be adaptive, that would be even better.

When I began my GMAT journey, I took the GMAT official practice mock test and scored 560 (Q46, V22), slightly less than the global average score of test-takers. I immediately knew that the Verbal section (SC & RC) is my Achilles' heel and needs significant improvement to reach the target score of 660 to be eligible for an MBA course at my target university, The University of Warwick. After spending two months learning from the GMAT Official Guidebook and GMATClub practice forum, I took another mock test once more and was surprised to improve by only 20 points to 580! At this point, I knew my learning method was not right and needed to up my game as I only had slightly more than one month left before my GMAT exam.

It was from GMATClub as well that I found e-GMAT and other courses. In the end, I decided to choose e-GMAT because of the great reviews on its verbal section. Moreover, a friend of mine, now studying for an MBA in a top UK business school, recommends I try e-GMAT. So I think nothing will go wrong and I needed to decide quickly.

I am glad that e-GMAT taught me not only practice questions but also a great understanding of the verbal section from its Master Comprehension. Before this, I did a wrong approach to verbal questions because I never really focused on the meaning of the passage itself, but rather answered by mere instinct. Another plus point was it also improved my daily writing skill to have better clarity and structure! Unfortunately, I cannot say much about the Quantitative section because I skipped the tutorial videos and dive into practice quizzes directly. But, I think Payal and her team did a great job as the section is adaptive, an improvement I'd love to see in the Verbal section as well.

For the mock tests, I can say the Verbal section is at the same level as the official GMAT, while the Quant section seems to be more complex than the official one. Nonetheless, it is a really good practice after all and boosted my confidence significantly before the real test, in which I scored 700 (Q49, V36, IR 5, AWA 5), a 140 points improvement from my initial score!

Overall, I highly recommend the e-GMAT to the GMAT aspirants and some tips for you to ace your test :
1. Start really, really, and really early on your GMAT preparation. At least 6 months of preparation should be ideal.
2. Begin by taking a mock test and understand where your weakness is. Be specific and honest about it, it helps!
3. Pick a course with abundant great reviews, especially a course that guides you through the process of understanding the learning materials.
4. Don't jump between sections before finishing one.
5. It's a good idea to listen to your body and take a break if you start feeling overwhelmed during practice. Enjoy the whole process - it is a marathon and not a sprint.

June 10, 2023

Dear Lapchiong,

Congrats on the amazing 140-point improvement to GMAT 700!!

Thank you so much for your kind words. We appreciate you mentioning the Master Comprehension Course. Indeed, understanding the verbal section is crucial, and you put all your efforts into developing the right processes and methodologies to ace every subsection. Indeed, looking at your course stats, your dedication to perfection shines through.

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This dedication to meaning clearly paid off, as we can see from your SC stats.

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We also take pride in the fact that our course helped you improve your daily writing skills, enhancing your clarity and structure. Writing proficiency is a valuable asset, and we are glad that our program had a positive impact on this aspect as well.

We appreciate your feedback regarding the adaptive nature of the verbal section. While our Quantitative section is adaptive, we understand your desire for a similar feature in the Verbal section. We constantly strive to improve our courses based on student feedback, and your suggestion will be taken into serious consideration as we continue to enhance our offerings.

Your tips for success are invaluable, and we completely agree with your advice. Starting early, understanding your weaknesses, and choosing a course that provides a comprehensive learning experience are all crucial steps to ace the GMAT. Additionally, focusing on one section at a time and taking breaks when needed are essential for maintaining a balanced and effective study routine.

Once again, congratulations on your outstanding achievement, Lapchiong! We wish you the very best in your MBA journey and in all your future endeavours.

Best regards,
Rida Shafeek

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