May 26, 2023

Joined: Mar 10, 2020

Posts: 26

Kudos: 10

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V37

My Journey from 640 to 710 in 2 months!


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


Verbal: Meaning based approach is exceptionally good. This approach strengthens your basics and is not only useful for SC but also useful for the entire Verbal section

Would make the product better:

I would love to see a few more of those sigma X mocks - In my case at least, the mocks were very close indicators of my actual performance on the D-day!

My GMAT journey started about 10 months ago when I decided to take a shot. I gave my first paper in the month of Aug-22 and scored a 640. I had underestimated the test and quickly decided to research online and heard about E-GMAT from a friend. I took the course in Sep-22.
Somehow my preparation was half hearted and when I gave my second attempt in Nov-22, I scored a 640 again.
I decided to take a break for a month and go through each and every section of Verbal and Quant on E-GMAT platform thoroughly. But alas, when I gave a Sigma X mock test in Mar-23, I scored a 640!
My heart sunk into dejection and I didn't know how to approach the test - That is when I connected with a mentor, Akash, from E-GMAT.
The reason I wanted to share a quick summary of my journey before sharing a review is that, GMAT is a test of many aspects - Perseverance, Time management, concepts, practice... I think E-GMAT approaches the test in a holistic manner as it should, and helps you improve.
It has a very thoughtful concept learning platform and utilizes data in a very efficient manner. For example, E-GMAT uses something called a cementing technique – You go through their courses, cement that particular section using their cementing quizzes and then move onto the next section. You can keep solving a few questions once in every 3-4 days so that you don’t lose touch.
Their Sigma X mocks are quite accurate in judging your ability – I’d suggest aspirants don’t waste them!
And of course there’s this unique mentor support! – You get assigned a mentor who’ll check on your progress and also suggest improvement plans.
Coming back to my story, Akash gave me a study plan which I followed rigorously, and in about a month and a half, I could feel the difference in my ability. I was able to identify the incorrect options more confidently and I was also able to manage my time better...
I finally gave my GMAT on the 28th of Apr-23 and scored a 710 (V37 Q49). I think E-GMAT not only helped me with the concepts but also with the motivation levels (Trust me, this is very important). The process may seem cumbersome at the beginning but it will definitely yield results once you get enough practice.
I'm giving another attempt to get to that 750+ level and I'm sure E-GMAT will play a big part in this Journey of mine as well!
Kudos to the team for creating a well-crafted study platform and an ethos of learning!

May 31, 2023

Dear JaswantNag,

Congratulations on your score of 710 with a remarkable Q49 and a V37! With this, you have crossed the 90th percentile mark in the GMAT exam.

If I have to give an example of someone never giving up, it will have to be yours. Your diligence and hard work made the journey easy for you, as the processes became second nature to you through continuous efforts. The image below shows how you were able to improve your accuracy in SC hard questions from 30% to 70%, translating to 90%ile ability, by adopting the meaning-based approach effectively –

Image Link -

You maintained your diligence and perseverance through all Verbal subsections, allowing you to reach your GMAT score in a very predictable manner. The below image, showing your statistics across the three subsections in Verbal in hard questions, depicts that the consistent approach helped you get to that V37 (81st percentile).

Image Link -

You effectively used the Scholaranium analytics and improved your time management abilities with each mock, making your success on the GMAT exam predictable. It was only a matter of time before you could replicate the score in your GMAT exam. The image below shows your journey in the mocks to the exam –

Image Link -

I am sure that you will face every challenge thrown at you with the utmost determination.

I wish you all the very best for your next steps!


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