April 30, 2023

Joined: Aug 03, 2021

Posts: 2

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q49 V37 (Online)

Egmat Review


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


It is very comprehensive and covers each concept in great detail. AI helps extract most out of the questions.

I initially started preparing for GMAT from the Official Guides. However, it took me only a short time to realize this strategy wasn't right. I needed more than the concepts in the guide before the questions to solidify my preparation for the exam. Hence, I started navigating the internet to select an appropriate course. I came across excellent reviews for e-gmat on websites such as Quora, Reddit, and GMAT Club. A lot of people said that the verbal course is ideal for non-natives. I decided to opt for the 'GMAT online 360' course in e-gmat.

I was amazed by the depth of the content for each part of the test. Every topic was discussed in great detail, covering all possible ways the test maker may test that concept. To minimize the time spent, the modules in SC had pre-assessment quizzes s that one could go through the files accordingly. Post-assessment quizzes tested how much one had learned through the file. RC strategies were beneficial. The quant part was extensive; if one diligently follows their course, one can easily crack GMAT quant.

Cementing process was one of the most impressive parts of the course. It ensured that the concepts were solidified. Additionally, it helped me get comfortable with the hard questions required to score high in every section.

AI and data analytics helped me identify my weak areas to work upon. We could identify the questions that took us longer than the median time. Analysis of such questions was a great opportunity for improvement.

The subject matter experts were extremely helpful. Each doubt was cleared within 24 hours. Their intent wasn't just to solve the immediate doubt but to identify why the student had that confusion and to recommend suitable courses of action to bridge the gap in understanding.

Strategy experts were exceptionally helpful at every step of the preparation. Whenever I hit any roadblock, they would guide me. As a part of the Last Mile Program, I received direct support from Rida. She was an outstanding mentor. Not only did she help me analyze my mocks in the right direction, but she was also a constant source of support. I would contact her after each mock, and she used to help me with the corrective actions. The study plans made by her allowed me to practice a disciplined approach to the exams. You could feel the level of commitment from each of the e-gmat mentors.
I highly recommend this course!

March 17, 2023

Hi AishwaryaSaxena,


This is Rida, your mentor. I am so happy to read about your success.

Aishwarya, from day one, you have been dedicated to acing the GMAT. Just a glance through your course attempts shows that you gave it your all to perfect the concepts and the processes that would enable you to reach success.

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This dedication continued even through the cementing process as you understood the importance of a structured approach to taking quizzes Thus, you ensured that each quiz you took would enable you to improve to new heights, as we can see from the image below.

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You effectively used to the analytics on Scholaranium to identify your weak areas and worked on them. Doing this you built your ability to tackle the hardest questions out there and reached amazing accuracies in Quants.

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I really loved working with you Aishwarya. Your focus on process, your drive to improve and your passion are all attributes that will serve you well in B-School. All the very best for your future endeavours.


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