February 04, 2023

Joined: May 01, 2016

Posts: 5

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q51 V38

Final Score 740, 130 points improvement


Improvement 130 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


A) The course modules are designed carefully to build/improve the basic concepts.
B) The structured methodology of e-GMAT helps build a process to approach every question. For the verbal section, I am confident that it is one of the best courses for non-native speakers.
C) Cementing process (Medium, Hard level) helps to solidify the learning.
D) AI-based analytics by e-GMAT helps to analyze the areas of improvement. This tool is fantastic.
E) PACE engine helped me to save a lot of time on the quant section.

Would make the product better:

SME support on few SC section questions

I want to thank e-GMAT for helping me to achieve a score of 740 on the GMAT exam.
Brief introduction:
A) Bachelors & Masters: India
B) Work experience: 10 years, Location: Japan, Role: project engineer
C) Sector: chemical, Industry: Electronics
D) Reason to pursue MBA: move to management and leadership role in the same sector
1st attempt
I gave my 1st attempt at the GMAT exam in Oct’21. My score was 610. I aimed to achieve around 720 as this score was around the average score of my target B-schools (1-year program in IIMs, ISB). I used officia1-year books for preparation. During the exam preparation, I found several verbal solutions posted by e-GMAT on the GMAT Club portal. The answers from e-GMAT were based on a structured approach and were easy to understand for a non-native English speaker like me. Therefore, I decided to enroll in the e-GMAT course.
e-GMAT course
I enrolled for GMAT online 360 course. This course covers Quant, Verbal, and IR. I chose this course because I did not want to spend my limited time searching resources for Quant.
2nd attempt
I gave my 2nd attempt at the end of Sep’22, and my score was 640.
Here I want to share critical information:
As I shared above, I have worked in the electronics industry for the last 12 months. I worked around six days per week and 14-15 hours per day. All the credit goes to the unanticipated surge in demand for semiconductors due to the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances. This work schedule only allowed me to study for around 45 minutes per day on working days and 2 hours per day on holidays. Therefore, I was able to give my 2nd attempt in Sept’22.
After scoring 640, I wrote to e-GMAT for their expert guidance. And from there, Rida Shafeek strategy expert, guided me to score 740.
3rd attempt (all thanks to Improvement Plan by Rida Shafeek, the e-GMAT strategy expert)
Based on my ESR report, she shared the improvement plan for all sections (one by one after I was able to clear the passing criterion) for each section:
D) Quant
Even before completing Improvement Plan for Quant, I appeared for the e-GMAT exam, and the final score was 740 (more than my target score, I was so happy).
My strategy during the GMAT exam
Based on my experience of cementing quizzes, I realized that my mind needs some time to warm up. So, I attempted sections in the following order:
i) AWA
ii) IR
(AWA, IR: helped to warm up the mind)

iii) Quant

iv) Verbal
Advantages of the e-GMAT course
A) The course modules are designed carefully to build/improve the basic concepts. Please complete the course in an order prescribed by the e-GMAT team.
B) The structured methodology of e-GMAT helps build a process to approach every question. For the verbal section, I am confident that it is one of the best courses for non-native speakers (I am not sure about the grammatical accuracy of native speakers).
C) Cementing process (Medium, Hard level) helps to solidify the learning. Please complete these stages.
D) AI-based analytics by e-GMAT helps to analyze the areas of improvement. This tool is fantastic.
E) PACE engine helped me to save a lot of time on the quant section.
Finally, I want to share a couple of points.
A) Plan for the GMAT exam based on your work/academic commitment.
B) Consistency is key.
C) A higher score always helps to strengthen your chances in your target B school.
D) Do not compare your performance based on the success stories of other applicants. The capabilities and circumstances of each person are different.
All the best for preparation!!!

February 11, 2023

Hey tarunkrishna,

Congratulations on the massive 130-point improvement to 740!! This is Rida, your mentor, and I am so glad to have been part of your journey!

I am really glad to see that you have strived to take all the right steps in your journey. You realised that there was a structure to the course that could teach you methods to get to success. Just looking at the efforts you put into the modifiers module in the SC course, I can see that you set out to learn and internalise methods that would get you to success-

Image Link -

I am very glad to see that all those efforts paid off and that you were able to improve to a V38! I

In RC as well, you displayed the same rigour and motivation to improve. The proof is in the pudding! When I look at your stats, I can see that you were able to utilise the right analytics and data to empower a massive improvement in RC.

Image Link -

I am also really glad to see that P.A.C.E was able to help you save time in prep. Overall, in Quant, you were able to save close to 50 hours of prep time! In algebra, as seen below, you could save close to 12 hours of prep time

Image Link -

As a working professional working exceptionally long hours, it's really difficult to take time to prepare. But throughout your prep, you gave it your all and followed each and every plan diligently. I am happy that you were able to succeed and get an amazing score!

All the best for your future endeavours tarunkrishna- I am sure you will make all your dreams come true!


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