January 09, 2023

Joined: Oct 26, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q46 V41

eGMAT - a great resource for acing GMAT


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


eGMAT's main strength lies in their structured approach to both the verbal and quantitative sections.

Verbal and quant are both broken down into topics and the tutors on eGMAT focus on helping the student break down each module and come up with a logical and easy-to-follow way to solve them, while still retaining the basic core idea of each module.

The mentorship process is also very innovative - it allows the student to learn at their own pace while also giving enough time for the mentor to review your query and give a detailed response.

My mentor for the process was Dhruv Joshi and he helped keep me honest - we did disagree on the approach to take for a few sub-sections but Dhruv's brutal honestly helped me identify what I needed to improve on.

Would make the product better:

While the mentors are helpful in responding to the students, sometimes a student may need a personal touch or reassurance when things may not be going so well or it would help the student clarify a doubt by verbal communication.

At present, eGMAT only offers mentor responses over email and a call feature could be one of the things added to improve eGMAT's already impressive methodology of teaching.

Overall, eGMAT has aced the process of helping a student ace the GMAT exam, which in itself can be daunting and more so for working professionals, who may not have studied formally for a few years and need to get into that mindset of studying again.

eGMAT's tiered break-down of sections helps immensely in that regard and their PACE time savings method in the quant helps the student identify their strengths and subsequently reduce their preparation time.

I would recommend eGMAT wholeheartedly for anyone who wants to do well at the GMAT, be it a recent graduate, a working professional or an experienced professional.

This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 13, 2023

Hi rahulv97,   

Heartiest Congratulations to you on your 710 score! 

What a massive 110-point improvement you have had! I truly commend you on all the efforts you took to scale this massive score of 710 (90th percentile) from a humble score of 600 (50th percentile).

You understood the importance of laying a strong foundation and therefore spent a lot of your time going through the course with diligence. Here is an image testifying the tough grind you put yourself through while setting up a concrete groundwork for the Verbal section.

Image Link -

The solid base you created for yourself, using the e-GMAT recommended structured approach resulted in you ’breezing through’ the Medium cementing stage with ease.

Image Link -

This followed by practice on 700+ level questions through hard cementing helped you solidify your application skills and land a mammoth V41 (93rd percentile) on the official GMAT.

I am pleased to know that you acknowledge that my honest critique only helped you improve, as that is our sole motive as mentors, to help and guide our students to their target scores by providing some forthright and genuine advice.

I am glad to know that you leveraged the P.A.C.E. AI in our Quant 2.0 course and saved a lot of your precious time during the prep.

Thank you for your feedback about calls. Considering the importance that we give to our students’ preparation and the value of timely response; we find emails to be the most effective medium of communication. I am sure, being one of our students, you can vouch for the personalization and effectiveness of our mails since they have helped you get you to your target score

Rahul, we, at e-GMAT, are proud of your accomplishment and wish you the very best for the future.


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