October 23, 2021

Joined: Jan 14, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V38

One Stop Solution for All Your GMAT Problems


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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Its a common misconception that solving the official guides alone will help us reach our target score. I realized it after giving a diagnostic GMAT by e-GMAT.
To reach my target score I ended up taking the e-GMAT course. Honestly, it is the best decision I had taken. The videos provided by e-GMAT really helped me build my foundation and the sectional quizzes helped me cement it.

e-GMAT Scholaranium is where I could put my learning to test and narrow down on my weak spots and work on them. The solution provided by e-GMAT for each question is amazingly helpful.

Overall what I learnt was that to prep properly solving questions correctly was not enough, we must also know why we got the question wrong and that is what e-GMAT helped me with. I highly recommend everyone to go through the e-GMAT course to reach their target score.

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