August 20, 2021

Joined: Jun 17, 2020

Posts: 3

Kudos: 38

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V41

e-GMAT and DJ: way to 720


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

First, I got interested by eGMAT course because it is not just video lessons, but an interactive study platform with a clear path and strategy. Secondly, when I first logged in, I was surprised by design, user interface, how well-detailed and nice the whole platform looks - I know its not a key element, but it really helps for something you spend 200+ hours looking at.
I started doing courses one by one, sometimes skipping, not truly following the recommended path - my bad. Actually, the course is designed in a "fool-proof" way, so as long as you follow the structure, one have no chance but to improve its ability.
For any topic, you do Diagnostic quiz (thats where you understand you are NOT good at Geometry, for example, after go with basics, all the small quizzes after each concept, after Application quizzes, Process quizzes, and finally GMAT skill quizzes. Such a structure is really amazing way to gradually build confidence and reach the GMAT level hard questions.
For Quant, some topics looks to easy and there is temptation to skip, but truth is better do each and everyone, and make sure there are no gaps.
Same for Verbal, the level of details is really impressive, and some lessons, like "ING modifiers" I have done 3 or 4 times (that make me feel really dumb) but I was able to understand it very well.
In the CR, the "Pre-thinking" concept is not only explained, but kind of substantiated by many examples and quizzes, so it really drills into your brain. I found it much, much useful.
What was funny for me, when I did Quant "Advanced" module, Combinatorics and Probability, I checked my ability in Scholaranium (it was low), so when I came back to course 2 weeks later, there was already updated files for each topic, much more detailed - I felt bad I need to do all again, but was great to see that improvements are constant, even product looks good, eGMAT team (I dont know, thousands of experts, coders and designers?) are constantly updating it.

I did not understand fully at once, but transfer from Study Course to Scholaranium is also very logical and makes a lot of sense. After course done, you do Cementing quizzes, where you solidify all you learned, and after can do specific quizzes.
When you first open Scholaranium, you think it is just a question bank, so one may want to rush and exploit all the 3000+(?) questions for Q and V, but that is actually the worst thing to do.
Scholaranium have immense number of questions, yes, but it is best use as a very detailed analytics tool for each topic, sub-topic, question type. Yes, it is greatly designed as well (especially I witnessed changed from Scholaranium to Scholaranium 2.0, and was impressed by amount of refinements made.
Another great thing about Scholaranium, that every question, (for me especially valuable was SC) has a QA under it, with all the questions asked and experts reply. Actually, I got immense knowledge from this QAs, and only sometimes asked question, and got reply fast.
Speaking about feedback or customer support. Well, that was the most impressive part. eGMAT have one email for all questions, and any question you ask, they kindly answer within 24 hours, which impressed me the most. And it is not small replies but a step by step to-do lists, which really made me feel that I am guided and not alone in my preparation.
Most importantly, somehow I was selected for "Last Mile Program", which is essentially a free private tutoring, and Dhananjay DJ took time to make call with me to go through my ESRs, went through my Scholaranium statistics (and extracted much more insights from it than I had imagined possible), and created a super-detailed plan what to focus on in my last 2-3 weeks before the GMAT. Such a kind and supportive help was really what touched me, and I thought I was very lucky to be selected for this Tutoring Program.
With DJ support, I was able to break my 690 plateau: he forced me to make error log for SC (was the best action in my whole GMAT prep.) , recommended to go through some course topics again (while I just wanted to do more, more questions :D ) , and he was able to empower me to be confident in the last couple of days - I am so much greatfull for his heartful support.
To sum up, all I got from eGMAT is amazing study platform, extremely helpful and kind (and free!) support, and piece of mind that I have all I need in one place; I have the path to follow to reach my target. -> That is why I think eGMAT is a unique value proposition, and I recommend it to all my friends; and to anyone who starts preparing for GMAT.

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