July 02, 2020

Joined: Feb 08, 2020

Posts: 3

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q51 V39

e-GMAT Mentorship


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Ashutosh

Location Online

My journey with e-GMAT began in the beginning of March, 2020. After having done extensive research on GMAT Club, I came to the conclusion that 2-3 months of solid prep should be enough for my target score of 750. After giving the first mock test, I realised that I was weak in the verbal section (Especially SC) and needed assistance. I looked over the reviews for online courses on GMAT Club and concluded that e-GMAT would be the perfect fit for me.

For most part of March, I casually solved questions from the OG and went through some of the SC material at e-GMAT. While the material was really good, I was not very confident in my ability to apply the concepts yet. That is when I received a call from Ashutosh at e-GMAT who asked me if I'd be interested in sort of a group mentorship program wherein I'd receive more personal attention. He had gone through one of my mocks and said that by working together we could get my score to reach that 750 mark. I decided to give it a shot and I am glad I did.

For the next 2 months, Ashutosh crafted personalised weekly plans for me and constantly pushed me to achieve those targets. He helped me realise the value of cementing the concepts first rather than aimlessly attempting a large number of questions. My confidence in SC increased considerably as I then began to cement my concepts through the Scholaranium questions on e-GMAT. Scholaranium is a wonderful platform with a wide array of challenging questions and it certainly helped me get a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses. In addition to this, the performance of my peers in the mentorship group motivated me to improve further. With the mentorship, I followed a more focused and well crafted path to my target score.

One of the biggest advantages of this program is that your mentor is always there to solve any queries you might have and will give you personalised attention. All my mock attempts were carefully analysed and I was suggested areas where there was scope for improvement. My performance in the mocks improved and I became increasingly confident heading in to the test. I took 8 mocks and the scores read : 710,730,770,770 (Sigma-X), 730 and 760 (GMAT Prep), 710 (MGMAT) and 730 (Kaplan).

On the D-Day, I was certainly more relaxed than I had expected to be. Since Quant was my strong suit, I attempted that first. Things went fine till I encountered the first few questions on the verbal section. Not being able to solve the first 3-4 questions, I flustered and ended up wasting time unnecessarily. Luckily, this panic mode did not last long and I was able to get myself back on track. Following the time management techniques recommended to me by e-GMAT helped me a lot. As I finished my test, I was incredibly satisfied to see myself achieve my target score of 750. Yes, I was perhaps a tad disappointed I didn't get a V40+ but achieving the 750 mark was the aim all along and I had pulled it off. All that hard work had paid off.

All in all, I benefited greatly from e-GMAT and its mentorship program. I would certainly recommend e-GMAT to anyone who is serious about cracking the GMAT.

Good luck to everyone reading this and I hope you all achieve your goals!

September 05, 2020

Hello! Please can you tell me how can I join the e-gmat mentorship program? I am looking for it but it is not in their website!


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