December 13, 2018

Joined: Jan 15, 2018

Posts: 11

Kudos: 12

Verified GMAT Classic score:
630 Q48 V28

The Best course for non natives who dream 700+ score


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

I belong to the crowd of thousands and millions who dream of getting a 700+ score on GMAT. The biggest hurdle in achieving my dream score is Verbal section. After searching many days for the best verbal course I enrolled myself to VLP (Verbal Live Prep) of E-gmat. I attended several free sessions before buying this course. I must say that it was worth every penny. I think that people in our country, no matter how much they use technology for fun, are not confident in choosing a virtual teaching platform. Same was the case with me. But after going through some of the videos of e-gmat I had to change that view. The way this course progresses is unique and confidence building. The pre and post assessment quiz of the video files is amazing. I improved my SC ability from 50% to 85% by following Egmat's meaning based process. The pre-thinking is magical for solving CR questions. Once you do a quick brainstorming based on the information of the passage, you can very easily eliminate 3 wrong options even in tough level questions. I can't put enough words for the RC course. I think RC is more about attitude than skills. Once you develop an attitude of an active reader you can ace RC. Egmat teaches to build that attitude. I improved my accuracy from 40% to 70% in this section.

Conclusively, I would recommend this course to all who aspire to improve their verbal score drastically.

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