August 21, 2017

Joined: Jan 02, 2017

Posts: 14

Kudos: 7

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q45 V38

From V31 to V38


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

When I started preparing for GMAT this January, my quant score was good (Q45-Q49), however, my Verbal was very poor. On any of the mock tests, I couldn't score more than V31. At times, it went as low as V28. My target was at least a 700, so I had to do something about it.

While signing up at GMAT Club, I received a trial access to eGMAT. I instantly liked it, and purchased the whole package. the curriculum and the sessions are not daunting at all, they're actually very fun to learn with. And the tests after every module gives you a real-time check of where you're at.

I couldn't personally attend the live sessions, but the recordings came in handy and actually saved a lot of time.

Once I had completed the entire course for Sentence Correction, I started testing myself via Scholaranium. It gave me a good insight into my strengths and the areas where I could improve.

I maintained a notebook and an error log, revised videos when necessary. I also went through the Manhattan books before starting the eGMAT course. I felt that helped me apply the grammar rules to logic. eGMAT's tutorials and modules are very logic-based, so there is a high probability that if you do them right, you won't mark the answer wrong.

By the time I finished the modules, SC and CR became a piece of cake. My accuracy increased to about 85% and I could actually reason with myself if I marked the answer wrong.

I would also like to mention that both Rajat and Payal's promptness in answering my questions, or getting back to me whenever I needed them was beyond expectations. Their team would get back to me within 10-12 hours, at times sooner. Not that I needed a lot of help, because the videos were self-explanatory, but they were always there to address any admin-related query.

In the end, I couldn't do as well as I had planned, for reasons beyond my level of preparation. I will mention though that while taking my mocks, I was scoring between 700-750 (V38-42). I didn't have to retake my exam because the for the schools that I am applying to, 680 is a reasonable score.

But eGMAT made the experience very enjoyable. Before that, Verbal seemed like a huge mountain that I could never climb. If you respond well to logic - you will ace the eGMAT course, and hence the GMAT!

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